Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Help a girl out!

Ladies and gentlemen of my little blogosphere...

Help! My crush on New Boy is swiftly getting out of hand. We had a very tense moment just now in reprographics (basically a very small room with a photocopier), and I am failing dismally to keep my thoughts pure. I need tips on how to control myself (both physically and mentally). I genuinely don't want anything to happen, but as I'm sure some of you know, it isn't always that simple.

Why does this always feel like confession!??


Serial Mistress said...

Imagine him at the weekend, hair messed up, kebab breath, a red cabbage stain on his cheek where he fell asleep in his supper, dressed in tracky bottoms, watching the footie all afternoon, one hand thrust down his pants making sure its still there, occasionally leaning to one side and farting out the remnants of the kebab from the night before, ordering you to bring him a drink, not letting you watch anything on tv, and getting an erection over match of the day or a MotoGP bike rather than a stunning woman.

Has that helped? :)

Blog On The Land said...

Shag him, and watch as he discretly tells the office how he had you. Now that would be more than enough exposure to stop you.

Mind you, if you're not worried by your reputation in the office shag him anyway ~ the loss of reputation maybe worth it.

ShellyA said...

Blog has noticed my lack of interest in the rest of the people in my office.

There is a small possibility sleeping with New Boy would actually make my job more interesting. If that is the case, I would tie myself up in the stock room and wait for the randy bugger.

WooHoo said...

SM, replace the red cabbage with curry sauce and you have my husband.

Great blog again, Shelley. I say go for it. There's nothing like a bit of sexual tension to liven up office life.