Monday, 18 January 2010

Affair overload

Gosh darnit. I love having a lover, but I am strating to wonder whether I should take a break from James, if only to preserve my health.

After the snow meant our trysts were delayed, the last week has been spent doing major romantic catch-up (read : 2 hotels visits and a cheaky mid-morning fumble in my car this morning).

Hubby has now recovered from his mysterious illness and has since taken up a baffling interest in DIY. SO while he's banging about in the spare room trying to install some shelves, I can be downstairs on the 'net, Skyping pictures of my cleavage to James. Which is, of course exactly what Skype was intended for.

Nice to be back to normal again. Not that my routine is very routine!

And thanks for the sympathetic comments by the way - even though my situation probably shouldn't receive any sympathy. Naughty girl! Slap on the wrist! etc.



Anonymous said...

I can so relate to being overloaded.

GarryN said...

Can't see why you would need to be slapped unless you wanted it?