Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Ding dong.


We had the parents 'round. Need I say more?

Christmas was vaguely successful. I burn the parsnips and the carrots (I'm still not sure how), and one of my nieces was sick on the sofa. We had a pavlova that looked like it had been prepared by a blind-folded five year old. Hubby's folks were generally forgiving, although I could have done without his mother commenting on the "interesting" flavor of the vegetables. Mmm, charcoal.

I received a few strange, cheap gifts from my further-removed relatives (my cousin in Germany posted me a battery-operated mini-blender), and all in all, everything was as expected.

James and I were emailing through the holidays. He and his wife had quite a stressful Christmas. He suggested that we meet - I'm still not really sure whether that's a good idea. I went back on Illicit Encounters last week, just browsing new members. I had one message from a guy on Christmas day! They don't sleep do they?

I replied mind you.

1 comment:

A Married Guy said...
